In this economy, we often wonder how we will make it; bills are piling up, foreclosures in abundance, food prices skyrocketing, and millions of people are losing their jobs or can't find one. How do we find peace in the midst of these storms? I often reflect about the future by referencing the Bible or just thinking about God. As I sit here, doing just that, I am reminded about Joseph. The events surrounding Joseph's life are prophetically speaking to us today that WE CAN MAKE IT!
The Bible explains that God revealed to the King of Egypt several dreams that he did not understand. Joseph, a prisoner at that time, was known for interpreting dreams. It was revealed to the king that the dreams meant that there'd be seven years of more than enough and, then immediately following, seven years of lack. Because Joseph was able to interpret this dream, he was placed in charge of the process that would help Egypt negotiate through these trying times. His plan, get Egypt to save and store up food, then resell to those who did not.
It seems to be poetic justice that Joseph would have this job after being sold into slavery, incorrectly accused of violating his master's wife, and thrown in jail for a number of years. But my feeling is this was how Joseph was "trained" for this new responsibility. Unfair, maybe, but God knows just how much we can take. After Joseph went through the stress of the situation, he became stronger, wiser and adept in his ability to lead people through the storms.
How do you find Peace in the midst of these storms? First, look to God for guidance. Second, use this time to become stronger, wiser and more adept at handling these lean times. Third, continue to know that you are being prepared to lead others who have not been prepared. Just remember to be trainable, flexible, and less prone to complaining. God be with you as you "Go get 'em."