Saturday, November 20, 2010

Do you hear what I hear?

Benjamin Franklin was the author of this popular saying: "Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see." While I have great respect for dear old Ben, I have to disagree. This saying is only appropriate in the secular world. In the spiritual, I would assert that if the source is from God, believe it. But if the source is not of God, not only do you not believe it, neither should you give your time and energy into it.

The book of Revelation 2:7 states "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." If you don't believe any of what you hear it becomes very difficult to process anything that is heard in the Spirit world, for it takes faith to believe. In addition, Matthew 13:9-16 alerts us that there is something important that needs to be seen, heard, and understood. Jesus says it is only given to certain people to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a message so powerful, that the enemy does everything in his power to snatch it away and cause unfruitfulness in your life.

Are you getting the message?
Do you see? hear? understand? There aren't any wasted words in the Bible, every word has purpose and there even words that are not there that send just as strong of a message. For instance, Luke 16:19-20 Jesus tells the story of a certain rich man and Lazarus. In his description of the rich man, Jesus omits the following information (the rich man's name, doesn't reveal anything personal about the rich man, and doesn't describe the rich man's location, but describes in full detail the rich man's lifestyle). In contrast, Jesus reveals that he knows Lazarus by name, he provides a detailed description of Lazarus' health, he let's us know exactly where Lazarus is positioned but doesn't talk much about Lazarus' possessions).

Are you getting the message?
You need to understand something about outer appearances... In the book of Samuel at the end of the 17th chapter and the beginning of the 18th chapter, we can compare and contrast David before and after he killed the Philistine (Goliath).
David before:
    was unknown
    King Saul didn't care who he was
    The Bible didn't talk about David's friends
    David wore sheep tender's clothes
    David irritated his brothers
    David was restricted to certain places
    David was unaccepted

David after:
    was well-known
    King Saul finally wanted to know who David was
    David came into covenant relationship with King Saul's son Jonathan
    David wore Jonathan's clothes
    David behaved himself wisely
    David was able to go whereever King Saul allowed
    David was accepted in the sight of all the people and in the sight of all the servants

David is the same David as he was before, but based upon: his covenant relationship with the King's son, the new clothes he wore that belonged to Jonathan, and his obedience to the king, he was granted access into places he shouldn't have been able to go. Not only that, what did David see and hear that Saul and the rest of the army couldn't see and hear? How did David know that Goliath could be defeated so easily? The answer is: Saul was looking at the problem and saw defeat, but David was looking at God and saw victory.

(Back in Luke 16:19-20) It is important to understand why the clothes, and the other things the rich man had, could not allow him to get into heaven. It is also important to understand that Lazarus' outer appearance didn't matter as long as he had on: the garment of praise, the breastplate of righteousness, his feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, a helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit. Because of these "clothes", Lazarus was granted access into places he shouldn't have. Because of his obedience to the King of Kings, he was able to exchange his earthly clothes for heavenly apparell. The Bible reveals that Jesus knew Lazarus by name, but the certain rich man had to depart from him because Jesus knew him not.

And now, the rich man is in hell being tormented by flame asking Lazarus (of all people) to bring him a drop of water whereas Lazarus (the same person who couldn't get a crumb from the rich man's table) is in heaven comforted by Abraham who denied the rich man's request.

Are you getting the message?
You need to understand that mercy doesn't exist in hell. The 8th chapter of John talks about the woman who was caught in adultry. She was in the middle of controversy with a huge need for mercy, grace, and defence. She as perceived as a woman used to being in dirty situations and people thought she deserved to be killed. But Jesus, stooped down and wrote in the dirt. He came in contact with the very dirt she was trying to get away from. In fact, he wrapped himself up in dirt, he was born in a dirty manger, he was dirty while he carried the cross, he fell down in dirt, his blood was mixed with dirt. But instead of being the judge and jury she deserved, Jesus preferred to be the most awesome defense attorney she needed. The same defense attorney we have access to today.

But once you pass over from death to eternal life, you no longer have an advocate with the father. Luke 26 says there is a great gulf fixed so that they would pass from hence to them cannot and neither can they pass to them. Furthermore, the certain rich man wanted to send a message to his brothers so that they didn't end up where he is; however, Abraham tells him that the message is already out there. It is a message so important that even if you are having trouble hearing it, you still need to try. With your eyes and ears opened up you can see and hear certain things that flesh and blood have not revealed it to thee; but, my father which is heaven has to reveal it. It is a message so powerful that Matthew 16:18 says the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. It is a message so anointed that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. It is a message so complete that the sun gave no light for three hours while Jesus hung on the cross.

The messages provide warning and peace. They can fulfill a certain need and provide a relevant word. The messages can show you where to look and can bind and loose things in earth and in heaven. The messages can help you to see right through certain things...just like Jesus saw right through that kiss the night that Judas betrayed him. I don't proclaim to know all that God wants me to know. But I know enough to know that it is going to take some effort on your part. I encourage you to prepare yourselves now to receive the message.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Lions' Den

I know that this is unimaginative as far as titles go. But the topic i'm about to discuss, in my mind, is far from it. When many think of the lion's den, they immediately think of Daniel and how God delivered him. And while this is the highlight for me as well. Recently, I was intrigued by the behavior of the lions. Allow me to explain.

I recently watched a grueling video on youtube that showed lions hunting and attacking human prey. One male lion was lying down in the grass, appearing to be asleep or at least unassuming of any human activity nearby. The photographer/videographer was (for lack of a better word) intrigued enough to step out of his vehicle to get a closer look/shot of the lion. The lion stayed still as the guy ventured tentatively closer apparantly gaining boldness as he quietly and carefully stepped forward but every now and then he'd stop with less surety as if to break and run at a moments notice. But then it happened, he got too close. The female lion came from nowhere and attacked. The human victim was gone in seconds giving me a glimpse of what happens when lions are hungry.

This is why it was so fascinating to me to revert back to my knowledge of Daniel's experience in the lions' den. The lions' den was a place where hungry lions are kept. They are actually kept hungry on purpose as a deterrant to people breaking the law. The lions know when it is feeding time because a stone is removed from the mouth of the den letting in light. The food is then delivered, at will, to the lions whose natural instinct as hunters has been curtailed by the race to be the first to capture food before it hits the ground.

At the time Daniel was delivered; however, God blocked the lion's ability to eat him by "shutting the lions' mouths." This is interesting to me because every fiber of the lions nature had to be subdued during a time when they were hungry. Not only that, but it had to be subdued while food was sitting right in front of them. But the lions were obedient and would not eat. Hungry or not, what God said not to touch, they did not touch. The behavior not only tested the lions, but it showed me what happens when you give yourself over to full obedience to God.

Allow me to give you an example that puts it into perspective. As a single woman of God, sometimes it gives me great pleasure to dream about my wedding. There are men out there; however, that God does not want me to touch. But as a human I realize that sometimes my hunger for having companionship in my life can overpower my desire to be obedient. And i'm tested all the time. Men are placed in front of me continuously. And I find myself wanting to date, wanting to explore. There are plenty wrong men to date. However, it is my intent to allow God to shut my mouth. Even though i'm hungry, i've learned it is better to wait for God.

Speaking of better, the Bible indicates that after Daniel was removed from the lions' den, the king commanded those men who accused Daniel, their wives, and their children to replace Daniel. The lions feasted on them, breaking all their bones in pieces, before they made it to the bottom of the den. Once again fascinating me, to actually understand the level of the lions hunger described in such a manner. Had they eaten Daniel, they would have had to share one body, possibly even still being hungry, and possibly not having enough for all the lions to eat. They would have never known or fully trusted that God could deliver and the lions would have never feasted so much. Full grown lions would have fought over one body. But instead, they trusted God and God delivered. Yet again, demonstrating God's unlimited knowledge and power. He made the lions wait, with food in front of them, and as a reward for their obedience they were all fully fed.

I trust too, that God's unlimited knowledge and power will show just as generously in my life. As I watch and remain hungry with food in front of me, i'll keep reminding myself of the obedience of the lions, and expect to be rewarded with a full satisfying meal at the end of my testing period. No silly, not that God will deliver multiple men for me to feast on but that my God will supply all my need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Knowing God's record, just like with the lions, the person he has for me will be worth the wait.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The God of the Details

While reading Exodus 26:1-9, It occurred to me that there was a lot of information that may or may not be attractive to itching ears. It doesn't appeal to the spirit of adventure in us, it doesn't appear to be an important subject, and it doesn't provide generous stories that challenges faith. What it does provide, is a new and fresh prospective on the God that I serve; hence the awesome title, the God of the details.

I was surprised that so much time and energy was devoted to talk about "curtains?" On a scale of importance, I would have ranked it pretty low. But the fact that significant attention is given to unexpected challenges (i.e. the entire book of job) whereas only two verses talk about Jabez, who gave us one of the most well recognized prayer's in the Bible that begins ("Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed..." demonstrates that my level of importance differs greatly from the author. However, the fact is that we are favored with the details surrounding God's instructions to the children of Israel with the task of curtain making.

Before we delve more, it would be interesting to note what happened before these instructions were handed down to the children of Israel. They were enslaved under the leadership of Pharoah. While in slavery the Children of Israel were learning the skill of brick making. A skill in contrast to curtain making for various reasons. First, brick making is hard on the hands and the body, it doesn't challenge the imagination, and it is performed in harsh conditions. As a result of adherance to the demands of the Pharoah, the Israelites would have been very skilled in this craft. They would have served God well in this area. However, God saw fit to call them to a different skillset.

Curtain making is not even remotely close to brick making. First, bricks are typically used on the outside. The material used would need to be durable enough to withstand the elements. Curtains are an added detail, an accessory, that is used to add to the attractiveness of the tabernacle. They set the tone of the room. Verse 1alone, mentions four uniquely different concepts (Quantity, Texture, Color, and Quality). It was a part of their responsibility as slaves to make as many bricks as quickly as possible. But God introduces a controlled concept. He tells them to make a limited amount of curtains. This leads me to the conclusion that quantity control is important as too much would be overwhelming and too little underwhelming. Texture of bricks is rough and durable, unlike curtains which are soft, delicate, and need to be handled with care. Brick color is pretty standard; but, rich hues of vibrant colors are introduced in curtain making. The last concept, quality with bricks would be pretty uninspirational; however, with curtains it would allow the creator to show off their skill with cunning craftsanship. In essence, curtains would allow the artistry of the people to take on a level that far surpasses that of brick making.

Why is all this important? Maybe God is trying to pull the Israelite's mind out of the mundane aspect of brickmaking. Maybe God is trying to show them that details do matter. Or maybe God is trying to tell us that what is on the inside is just as important as on the outside. Maybe some of you can identify or are brickmakers yourselves but instead of bricks you try to capitalize on making more money. You get up day after day doing the same thing over and over because you think making more and more money is the answer. God is waiting almost as if letting you know that he can and will bring you out of slavery, part seas for you to cross, and lead you out of the wilderness into the promised land. But this is taking us to a place where details will eventually matter.

It is unfortunate, that many will get to this point (from slavery to the palace) to skip over the details in an effort to begin "ruling" the land. But God demonstrates the importance of building the tabernacle first. Foundations need to be laid and set. Then frames must go up and drywall needs to be hung. Next, painting and mudding needs to take place. Afterwards, decoration takes place. After all of this, you can be in a place where you can serve and worship God. The whole point of the matter...Don't forget to serve and worship God. He did, afterall, not miss any of the important details.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gender Bias

I've been asked, more than once, about my role in the ministry with respect to women ministers. For which, I don't have an official stance or even a response that I would deem as the end all to this argument. I remember asking God about this as well. I actually took several years to be very sure this is what he wanted and not something I wanted for myself. I'm excited to say that God still does hear and answer prayer. I am honored to be called into this role.

However, there are those who are still not convinced and I respect that. So for you who don't believe that woman should preach, by all means, listen to a man preach. I would rather you hear and accept salvation because you heard it from a man whose position as a preacher you could accept than to go to hell because you could not accept the same message by a woman preacher.

As for me, I have the faith that God will make room, but even if he doesn't "I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need and in addition to that "naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither...blessed be the name of the LORD" anyway. Besides, I think, the woods would be very quiet if only the male birds were allowed to sing.