Tuesday, August 12, 2008


It has occurred to me that I never gave an update on my first international travel experience in Paris, France.

As I mentioned before, my goal was to be led by the Holy Spirit. There were many opportunities for me, but I needed to remember that I was there on behalf of the Lord. When you are led by the Holy Spirit, there is one thing that you must remember. That you have to make sacrifices!

On the road to La Basilique du Sacré Coeur de Montmartre I found there were many distractions that may have resulted in me neglecting my purpose. First, was curtailing my affinity for the amazing souviner and reasonable shops long enough to get pointed in the right direction. Second, reducing the natural awestruck response to the many sights and sounds. Third, minimizing my need to complain about walking up the countless stairs as hot as it was. Other distractions could be mentioned as well. The entire experience showed me that this place could be a metaphor for life.
Many goals are left undetermined as many people don't even care. Many goals are left undiscovered as many people are lost on the way. Many goals are left unachieved as many people trade their investment resources for the first item they lay their eyes on. Many goals are left unmet as the challenges prove too hard to overcome. And this is why we celebrate those few who actually do make sacrifices thus obtaining their goals.