Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Have's and the Have Nots

The have's and the have nots is an interesting cliche. It immediately differenciates something desireable from everything else that doesn't quite meet the criteria of the first category. It begs the question, what happens when you want something you can't have? I'm glad you asked because I always look forward to opportunities that exist like these...the chance to answer a question by researching scripture. Let the church say AMEN! (reference Genesis 39:1-23 with emphasis on 12-16)

Once you've reviewed this, you become familiar with the story of Potipher's wife. The Bible doesn't say this; but, I need you to come with me and let's develop her character a little more. For instance, I see that she has to have good taste in men. We know that Potipher is a powerful man because he has position, authority, and he owns slaves. Therefore, in turn, I figure Potipher's wife to be an extremely beautiful and well-kept woman with access to generous resources that keep her this way. I just believe that an appealing wife would be a requirement for this powerful man. I also believe she has good-judgement. She would have an eye for the finer things and would be used to getting her way. I'm very sure that she is not used to hearing the word "No." She was, afterall, Potipher's wife. But she was attracted to Joseph. Her's was an unrestrained passion because she couldn't understand why Joseph (specifically in verse 10) turned her down day by day.

Now Joseph, in contrast to Potipher's wife, was a slave. He was brought to Egypt against his will. Therefore, he would not have had the same slave mindset. He would have needed to be broken (forced into submission). I imagine him to be very handsome (or at least appealing to Potipher's wife) and very intelligent. He also had integrity and a strong hard work ethic. But, the Bible states the Lord was with him and he was a prosporous man. In fact, the Lord blessed Potipher's house for Joseph's sake. Therefore, he was well-favored and a goodly person.

These qualities caught Potipher's wife's eye. She wanted Joseph...intimately. Now that we have this background as our framework we need to go back to the original question. What happens when you want something you can't have? Potipher's wife had everything a well-kept wife of a powerful man could want and then some. She had influence and a lifestyle that causes envy. In today's times she could preface her life with cars, homes, and all manner of fabulous things of beauty. Whereas, Joseph had none of this and at this stage neither could he provide. However, Potipher's wife's example screams that there is an instance when even though it appears you have will always want more. Simply stated, all the stuff she was trying to fill her life with couldn't make her happy because she was really trying to fill this void without the Lord which is the only one capable of truely making her happy.

This woman showed desparation for something that Joseph knew he could not provide and I respect the fact that he was strong enough not to be used. Verses 12 and 16 are especially disturbing to me as it reads that "she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me." To have is a choice and she chose to hold on to Joseph's garment. But what a thought if she knew that she could hold on to the garment of praise and the garment of salvation. In verse 16 it reads "she laid up his garment by her, until his lord came home." But what a thought if she knew that she could touch the hem of His garment and be made whole.

This woman also showed a flawed logic. In verse 14 it reads that "she called unto the men of her house, and spake unto them, saying, See, he hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to mock us." To have is a mindset what if she clung to the scripture "be not deceived God is not mocked."

Joseph showed us that to have is a state of being. While he was enslaved, Joseph's master (verse 20 - 21) put him into prison. But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy and gave him favor. So it may seem that those who appear to have, actually have not.

But you can have:
- eternal life
- joy unspeakable
- grace and mercy
- peace that surpasseth understanding
and the list goes on and on....My suggestion to you, be one of the haves that has the qualities that God wants you to have.

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