Saturday, September 1, 2012

Giving Good Advice

Moral delimas are good inspiration for me. And I recently had a great moral delima example that triggered my, what else, desire to write and post on the blog. I came across a young man recently who worked two jobs (a fulltime and a parttime job). The part time job, had an awesome opportunity to provide some needed cash that could help the young man. But, the job conflicted with his fulltime work schedule. The man had already been informed by his boss that he could not use anymore paid time off time during training. He had two people in his ear ready to advise. One who encouraged him to make the sacrifice and talk to his boss about it. In the end, a reasonable boss would understand when given the chance to support a worthy cause. The other advised him to take the day and call in sick. The man struggled with the decision. He wanted to do it so badly but he didn't want to be told that he couldn't do it. He took a deliberate opportunity to weigh the pros and the cons. In the end, he chose to tell his boss and alleviate the stress associated with not being completely honest. It worked out because the boss did understand and allowed him to take the time off. It's important to note that we have to be careful when giving bad advice. The end result would have more than just impacted the situation at hand; but, relationships as well. The advice you provide can give the appearance of a harmless solution on the surface and cause a tangled web of deceit that would trap the best of us.

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